MDRI and CPIE collaboration wins recognition from the NHIA

Andrew Sluggett and Dr Janet Sluggett, MDRI collaborators from CPIE Pharmacy Services, travelled to the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) Annual Conference and Exposition in New Orleans earlier this year to attend the NHIA Idea Exchange.

BioSA News update

Dr Meera Verma updates us on medtech in South Australia and gives us a sneak peek of her vision for the future of this important South Australian sector.

Pumped and ready for commercial development

South Australian company, CPIE Pharmacy Services, will fast-track manufacturing and commercialisation of a drug-infusion pump thanks to a 2016 BioSA Industry Development grant.

A young pharmacist on the rise

An innovative research funding model driven by a young South Australian pharmacist may hold the key to reducing fragmentation in the healthcare system.